Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Daftar Pemimpin Terlama di Dunia

NoNama Pemimpin          NegaraMemimpin Sejak
1.Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Brunei 1967
2.Colonel Muammar Gaddafi Libya 1969
3.Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said Oman 1970
4.Prime Minister Khalifa ibn Salman Al Khalifa Bahrain 1970
5.President Jos Angola 1979
6.President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Equatorial Guinea 1979
7.President Paul Biya Cameroon 1982
8.King Mswati III Swaziland 1986
9.President Yoweri Museveni Uganda 1986
10.President Blaise Compaor Burkina Faso 1987
11.President Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe 1987
12.Prince Hans Adam II Liechtenstein 1989
13.Bashir Omar al Sudan 1989
14.Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei Iran 1989
15.President Ali Abdullah Saleh Yemen 1990
16.President Idriss D Chad 1990
17.President Islam Karimov Uzbekistan 1990
18.President Nursultan Nazarbayev Kazakhstan 1990
19.President Isaias Afewerki Eritrea 1991
20.President Emomalii Rahmon Tajikistan 1992
21.Chairman Kim Jong-il Korea Utara1993
22.President Alexander Lukashenko Belarus 1994
23.President Yahya Jammeh Gambia 1994
24.Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Qatar 1995
25.Prime Minister Denzil Douglas Saint Kitts and Nevis 1995

1 komentar:

  1. ahmad affendi XII-O110 Agustus 2011 pukul 09.09

    why, Indonesia country is not on the list?.
    What might be because Indonesia is the most corrupt country?. according to the facts, all this may be true. because more or less the average Indonesian officials of corruption. so in this country it is difficult to find someone who can be trusted not to corrupt and fulfill their obligations as a state official. In contrast to the countries listed in the list, maybe they are also corrupt. but the corruption they are really professional. so that their deeds go unnoticed by its citizens and other officials. Besides law enforcement in Indonesia is still really bad. To overcome the corruption they are still difficulties. Which one and which one is correct, it is difficult to differentiate. even if the institution made ​​eradication of corruption, even their own members who act against government corruption. It is usually for those with money for most acting arbitrarily against others. For example Mr.gayus tambunan was rampant against the law of Indonesia. as if he was standing alone, does not want the bother and did not want to know about the law of Indonesia, almost all tax balances Indonesia corrupted by it. Is on his mind just money, money, and money. To the extent that institutions are difficult to make the eradication of corruption as alleged corruption Mr.gayus taxes.
    So, from the above explanation we can conclude that at present Indonesia is not ready to come into the world's longest list of LEADER.
    In my opinion, the law in Indonesia should be properly enforced so that no incident like that again. So that the ideals of the state can be realized and are able to come into the list. thanks
