Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Competiton of Life

Competition is a thing we should always face in our reality of life to catch the chance and fortune that are not there every time. This is the fact human has to do for survival. Competition in human life has  begun since they were in mother's worm ; sperms of millions in number compete each other to inseminate the only egg. and there is only a sperm that is able to, and this means that other sperms have to be defeated and have to die.

Life is hard to the unfortunate people to undergo competition. They have no source of information , no skill,  lack of budget as well as networking. They don't know how to change the condition. From gens to gens they will be in the same social status, third world. This of course results in underdog world that are very close to poverty, powerless and hopeless.