Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Commemorating The Independence Day

" We aren't ever free yet "

          Next month we will commemorate Our national Day Of Independence. 67 years we've been free from colonialism. The moment we commemorate annually brings us to the very basic meaning of independence; "Freedom " is free from any life pressure ideologically, politically, economically, socially and culturally. But this seems  to be not yet or even still far far in the dreaming world and unreachable. Freedom was just the moment right when we declared it on August 17, 1945  at 10 am at Pegangsaan Timur 56 Jakarta. And It was just a politically freedom from colonialist.
          The following years after the declaration, of course we had to face many problems as a new country. Political conflict and movement of separation frequently took place and spent much energy. . The continual of cabinet reformation brought about no chance to build the  country.Our economy was getting worst, and poverty and hunger spread everywhere This instability condition came to the peak when the communist party  tried to perform rebellion.

          Soeharto took over the goverment's control after getting a letter of instruction March 11th which was  rumourly said tobe unbloody coup de tat. His first step was to forbid the Communist party and deminish  people who were involved in the rebellion of Indonesia Communist Party. Since beginning ,Soeharto declared a slogan " Politic No, Economy Yes". Freedom of Speak was robbed, no one was allowed to criticize the government. Doing so they might be jailed because of being considered to undermine the government's power. Only three political parties were allowed to exist and the five- year election was just a play to legitimate his power . Since the result was predictable to win his party. Indeed the economic building was quite successful and we could reach The self stand on food. He was bestowed The Chief of Indonesian Building. But the lost of the right of freedom of speaking  actually created a time bomb that was burst into flame when the uncontrolled inflation of price of things and devaluation of rupiah was unsolved. He was to retreat from  his 32 years of power.

          The falling down of Soeharto regime was starting the reformation from one president to another that were noted three presiodents : Habibie, Gus Dur, Megawati and Now SBY. Although people have got back their freedom of speaking, they haven't got any significant change in economy. Five Basic needs; food, clothes, shelter, heallth and education havent yet been filled. Moreover in this SBY era, poverty and unjustice cant ever be  overcome and even become worst. On the other hand corruption of the elites and their life style are very very ironic to the whole people condition. They seem to pay no attention to this. 

           In the opening of Institution of 1945 in paragraph 4, the national goal are written ,  some of which are to protect people and the land,  to advance the general  welfare, and to increase people education,;and  in fact none of them are coming true at least up to now.  The unfortunate people  are still in poverty and powerless to change their life. The life quality will always be like it for health  and education cost  are out of their reach. Adequate Jobs are rare as a result their income is also uncertain., life is hard for them......Then what is the meaning of  67 -year independence. What do you think ?


Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Daftar Pemimpin Terlama di Dunia

NoNama Pemimpin          NegaraMemimpin Sejak
1.Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Brunei 1967
2.Colonel Muammar Gaddafi Libya 1969
3.Sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said Oman 1970
4.Prime Minister Khalifa ibn Salman Al Khalifa Bahrain 1970
5.President Jos Angola 1979
6.President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Equatorial Guinea 1979
7.President Paul Biya Cameroon 1982
8.King Mswati III Swaziland 1986
9.President Yoweri Museveni Uganda 1986
10.President Blaise Compaor Burkina Faso 1987
11.President Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe 1987
12.Prince Hans Adam II Liechtenstein 1989
13.Bashir Omar al Sudan 1989
14.Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei Iran 1989
15.President Ali Abdullah Saleh Yemen 1990
16.President Idriss D Chad 1990
17.President Islam Karimov Uzbekistan 1990
18.President Nursultan Nazarbayev Kazakhstan 1990
19.President Isaias Afewerki Eritrea 1991
20.President Emomalii Rahmon Tajikistan 1992
21.Chairman Kim Jong-il Korea Utara1993
22.President Alexander Lukashenko Belarus 1994
23.President Yahya Jammeh Gambia 1994
24.Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Qatar 1995
25.Prime Minister Denzil Douglas Saint Kitts and Nevis 1995

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

English Camp in Salib Putih

English Camp....!
An event opened yesterday, Monday 11 July 2011,  is the first time held for SMK. This is a kind of competition consisting of English story telling competition, Maths and  Natural Science Quiz, Best moment pic taken during the field trip and art show providing for all RSBI SMK all over the central Java. It takes place in Salib Putih Salatiga, a christian institution that is a heritage of The Dutch Colonialist which has area of 85 ha square, occupying a hilly landscape lying on the street to the Kopeng direction. Up behind the Lobby there lies two- storey hotel in L letter formation that is connected to the lobby by arcade. On the right of the hotel we can see two swimming pools provided for the guests   Having cool weather,it is indeed a suitable place for having classical activities, either indoor or outdoor.

 First time it was founded was to accomodate the refugees of the Merbabu volcanic eruption in Dutch colonialism era. Japenese ever seized and robbed this place. After the Independence of Indoneseia, the government took over  the institution and tried to manage it; but because of no fund, it was given to Gereja Kristen Jawa  Institution that is  managing it up to now.

Knowing for the first time, we will be surprised by the beautiful view of the Salib Putih. Soon we enter the security gate we will be amazed by the winding stoey road heading to the lobby, and the convention hall built in three storeys. On both sides of the road there grows grassy flowers. The hilly landscape is ornamented colorful bougenvill and some pine trees and palms. Wonderful !

Today the activity began at 5, the field trip. All participants were divided into three big groups to have different trip routes; The first was tracing the path leading to the old Randu Tree hundreds years of age inside a mixed crop plantations, the second was visiting the decomposing proccess still inside the Salib Putih area and the last one was visiting the process of making coffee which was also still inside the Salib Putih. Taking bath and having breakfast,
at about 9, participants should have the written science test  taking place in the hall. They had to answer 60 objective test items in 2 hours.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

SBY Presiden RI yang Membuka Gerbang Keemasan Bangsa. ?: Menilik RAMALAN 7 SATRIO PININGIT RONGGOWARSITO

ranggaDipaparkan ada tujuh satrio piningit yang akan muncul sebagai tokoh yang dikemudian hari akan memerintah atau memimpin wilayah seluas wilayah “bekas” kerajaan Majapahit , yaitu : Satrio Kinunjoro Murwo Kuncoro, Satrio Mukti Wibowo Kesandung Kesampar, Satrio Jinumput Sumelo Atur, Satrio Lelono Topo Ngrame, Satrio Piningit Hamong Tuwuh, Satrio Boyong Pambukaning Gapuro, Satrio Pinandito Sinisihan Wahyu.
Berkenaan dengan itu, banyak kalangan yang kemudian mencoba menafsirkan ke-tujuh Satrio Piningit itu adalah sebagai berikut :
1. SATRIO KINUNJORO MURWO KUNCORO. Tokoh pemimpin yang akrab dengan penjara (Kinunjoro), yang akan membebaskan bangsa ini dari belenggu keterpenjaraan dan akan kemudian menjadi tokoh pemimpin yang sangat tersohor diseluruh jagad (Murwo Kuncoro). Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai Soekarno, Proklamator dan Presiden Pertama Republik Indonesia yang juga Pemimpin Besar Revolusi dan pemimpin Rezim Orde Lama. Berkuasa tahun 1945-1967.
2. SATRIO MUKTI WIBOWO KESANDUNG KESAMPAR. Tokoh pemimpin yang berharta dunia (Mukti) juga berwibawa/ditakuti (Wibowo), namun akan mengalami suatu keadaan selalu dipersalahkan, serba buruk dan juga selalu dikaitkan dengan segala keburukan / kesalahan (Kesandung Kesampar). Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai Soeharto, Presiden Kedua Republik Indonesia dan pemimpin Rezim Orde Baru yang ditakuti. Berkuasa tahun 1967-1998.
3. SATRIO JINUMPUT SUMELA ATUR. Tokoh pemimpin yang diangkat/terpungut (Jinumput) akan tetapi hanya dalam masa jeda atau transisi atau sekedar menyelingi saja (Sumela Atur). Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai BJ Habibie, Presiden Ketiga Republik Indonesia. Berkuasa tahun 1998-1999.
4. SATRIO LELONO TAPA NGRAME. Tokoh pemimpin yang suka mengembara / keliling dunia (Lelono) akan tetapi dia juga seseorang yang mempunyai tingkat kejiwaan Religius yang cukup / Rohaniawan (Tapa Ngrame). Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, Presiden Keempat Republik Indonesia. Berkuasa tahun 1999-2000.
5. SATRIO PININGIT HAMONG TUWUH. Tokoh pemimpin yang muncul membawa kharisma keturunan dari moyangnya (Hamong Tuwuh). Tokoh yang dimaksud ini ditafsirkan sebagai Megawati Soekarnoputri, Presiden Kelima Republik Indonesia. Berkuasa tahun 2000-2004.
6. SATRIO BOYONG PAMBUKANING GAPURO. Tokoh pemimpin yang berpindah tempat (Boyong) dan akan menjadi peletak dasar sebagai pembuka gerbang menuju tercapainya zaman keemasan (Pambukaning Gapuro). Banyak pihak yang menyakini tafsir dari tokoh yang dimaksud ini adalah Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Ia akan selamat memimpin bangsa ini dengan baik manakala mau dan mampu mensinergikan dengan kekuatan Sang Satria Piningit atau setidaknya dengan seorang spiritualis sejati satria piningit yang hanya memikirkan kemaslahatan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia sehingga gerbang mercusuar dunia akan mulai terkuak. Mengandalkan para birokrat dan teknokrat saja tak akan mampu menyelenggarakan pemerintahan dengan baik. Ancaman bencana alam, disintegrasi bangsa dan anarkhisme seiring prahara yang terus terjadi akan memandulkan kebijakan yang diambil.

Tokoh pemimpin yang amat sangat Religius sampai-sampai digambarkan bagaikan seorang Resi Begawan (Pinandito) dan akan senantiasa bertindak atas dasar hukum / petunjuk Allah SWT (Sinisihan Wahyu). Dengan selalu bersandar hanya kepada Allah SWT, Insya Allah, bangsa ini akan mencapai zaman keemasan yang sejati.

Dari paparan di atas bisa dipahami bahwa saat ini kita berada di fase yang ke enam yaitu Satrio Boyong Pambukaning Gapura.Tapi sayangnya adalah fakta yang ada berbicara lain. Pemerintahan SBY memiliki prestasi yang sangat jelek akhir - akhir ini; muli dari Skandal Bank Centuri, Kasus kasus pemilu, Mafia Pajak- Gayus Tambunan, Suap Pemilihan Deputi Gubernur BI yang menyeret anggota DPR dari PKS Nurbaiti, dan Pemalsuan Surat MK serta yang sedang ramai jadi berita adalah Kasus percobaan suap toleh bendahara Partai Demokrat Nazaruddin terhadap sekjen MK, Jenadri. Semua kasus tersebut tidak terselesaikan.
Kekecewaan masyarakat nampaknya makin besar terhadap pemerintah SBY, hal ini dapat terlihat dari hasil survey dari LSI baru - baru ini yang menunjukkan popularitas SBY menurun tajam di bawah batas psikologis 50%. SBY sebagai presiden tidak punya ketegasan alam kasus tersebut.. Tidak ada  sikap yang jelas.  Benar kiranya apa yang disampaikan secara berani oleh Pong Harjatmo, artis senior kita pada talk show pagi di Metro TV 5 Juli kemarin. Ia bilang SBY badan doang yang gede, nyali kecil.ada apa ?
Dari deiskripsi di atas jelas bukan SBY yang jadi nubuatan Ranggowarsito tsb. Lantas siapa !?

Taken from
Simple and Easy

Asep Hasan Duriat